Monday, August 22, 2011

Munchkin Monday

I am having so much fun with this little one lately...

She is so full of energy and always keeps me laughing....and on my toes! Look what she is doing already:

That's right...she's WALKING! Watch out world! 
She is also making the cutest faces lately, and I was so excited that I was able to catch them with the camera before she went down for her nap this afternoon. How can you resist this face?

I love how she just scrunches those little cheeks!!

Seriously! I could just kiss these cheeks off!!

Her favorite thing to do right now is point and say "who's that?" or "what's that?" {which comes out more that "psst that"....A-DOR-A-BLE!}

There is that scrunched up face again....LOVE HER!

I love how dainty and girly she is acting. I have caught her sitting with her little feet crossed so much lately and it's so cute!

Of course she doesn't always sit so lady like...
I don't know what this is about. Maybe she's stretching? Who knows? She is obsessed with her feet, sometimes I find her trying to bite her toes. Cute kid! 
Notice the shoes? I am trying to get her used to walking in shoes but it is not going so well right now. Anytime I put shoes on her she won't walk. All in due time I guess.


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