Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I can't believe this precious girl is one. ONE. O-N-E. I have a ONE year old. I have been a mom for ONE whole year. I now know what people mean when they say that time goes by even faster with a child. In some ways it seems to me that I have had Campbell forever. I feel like she has always been part of me and I can barely recall what life was like without her. But in other ways I feel like she was just born yesterday. I remember it like it just happened.
And here we are. One year later. ONE. Wow. It happened so fast, I feel like she was 9 months old 5 minutes ago.
I have treasured every single moment of this first year. And it hasn't all been easy. But every second has been worth it and I wouldn't change a thing {ok, maybe I would change the fact that I spent her 1 month bday/our 4th anniversary in the ER with mastitis, but other than that...} there have been countless sleepless nights, hours of crying and moments of insanity but for each sleepless night I've had sweet cuddly naps with my girl, for all the crying I've had hundreds of sweet open mouthed baby kisses and for the moments of insanity I've had moments of uncontained joy and laughter with my daughter. I wouldn't trade any of this for the world. I love being a mother more than I ever thought that I would...and that's a lot considering that the only thing I ever REALLY wanted to do was be a wife and a mom. I feel so blessed that God has chosen me to raise this little girl!


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