So, I am having mixed feelings about my pregnancy ending.
Things I will miss:
1. feeling these sweet movements inside of me, yes, even the hiccups
2. my belly, I have actually felt cute preggers
3. no fat days...when you have a baby inside you there are no fat days because you are supposed to look like this
4. an excuse to take a nap or get a footrub
Things I am looking forward to post pregnancy:
1. holding my baby girl
2. normal clothes
3. t-shirts- they just aren't comfortable anymore because they fit so disproportionally
4. sleeping without 3 pillows
All in all, I am looking forward to starting this new chapter in our lives but I am enjoying every moment of what Jeremy and I have together right now. I feel like God has really given me the patience I have prayed for during this last part of my pregnancy. Instead of feeling anxious or impatient I have felt calm, patient and relaxed. Campbell will be here in His perfect timing so why worry about tomorrow when I can enjoy today for what it is? :)
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