So, anyways we got to the dr's office right on time and Jeremy's parents met us there. Our parents all waited in the waiting room while we went back. I was so wired, I couldn't sit still. It seemed like it took forever for them to call us back even thought it only took like 5 minutes. The tech asked us first thing if we wanted to know what we were having, to which I replied with a definite yes! And our sweet little baby was in the perfect position right off so the tech was able to tell us that it's a.....
We were so excited!!! We both had pretty strong feelings that it was a girl! I still can't believe it though...I am going to have a daughter! I am so overwhelmed with happiness and I can only hope that I will be as good to her as my mom is to me!
Our parents were anxiously awaiting the news in the waiting room and jumped up when we came out. Unfortunately for them, we weren't planning on making it that easy. We asked them to come out to the car because we had something for them. We had bought girl and boy albums and put the names in the front and we gave them the girl ones with her name framed on the front "Campbell Marie Bagwell". Our parents were SO EXCITED too!! My mom was jumping up and down screaming!
After we told our parents we began the mass amount of text messages and phone calls to spread the word! Everyone was so excited!! My mom was off work the whole day so we went straight to Storkland from the dr's office to get her a coming home outfit. My mom bought her this sweet pink heirloom dress with a pink lacy bonnet and a pearl bracelet! It is so sweet! We spent the rest of the day shopping at EastChase and my mom bought her a few more things like sleepers and socks. This little princess will lack for nothing that is for sure! Jeremy was so cute when were shopping, he is so excited about having a little girl! He was so into looking at all the clothes and everything. He is currently looking for her a stuffed monkey with a bow :) She is going to be a daddy's girl I am sure!
We did pick out the bedding for her room, now I just have to get all the other decor together in my head and start shopping! However, I have to wait until June until I start on the nursery because that's when we know if we will be staying in this house or not. Here is a picture of the bedding....
We have had such a hard time agreeing on what we like for bedding and when we saw this on Saturday we both fell in love with it. The best part was that it came in pink and blue so we were going with this pattern regardless if it was a boy or girl.
Two days later we are still so excited! I can't wait to start buying her stuff, but I know I need to pace myself and everyone tells me not to buy too many clothes because we will get so many. I am just gonna focus on the cutesy stuff that other people probably won't buy...I am really excited about buying cute Christmas dresses for her!! I am still in shock that we are having a girl. Now I am just anxiously (but patiently) awaiting her arrival and gazing on her sweet face for the first time! The first half of my pregnancy has flown by and I have a feeling the second half will as well.
1 comment:
So excited!!!!! August needs to come quickly!
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